Hooded Robed Beings

There are clearly three beings and two of them are wearing hooded robes. If not for the orb, I would have probably overlooked them and not looked closer at the wood pile where they are. This is the only photo if it’s kind I’ve taken with one being appearing to be coming out of the ground and two others nearby. 

As an Occultist, the picture with these three beings made sense to me. But it was almost too stereotypical, too cliché. One of them was actually holding what looked like a book, I found this very intriguing and kept going back by the wood pile to see if they would show up for me again, without any luck, but there were others in that area behind the bushes and fence.

After the fence was installed around the property, there were quite a few smaller beings that stood on the fence. It was hard to get a good picture of them but they were definitely there, and many of them wore hooded robes and they were less than a foot tall.

There was another type of hooded being that illuminated a white light from inside their hood. Unlike the ones that reflected the orange triangles, these seemed to keep moving. These hooded beings trolled around behind the property but were not as common as the others. I have no idea how many different types of beings were around, but I know there were quite a few. I guess they think they can’t be seen. I thought they were coming from the woods since I had not yet discovered the portal.