Pale Faced Hooded Humanoid

This hooded humanoid showed up in three consecutive pictures behind the back of the property. This is not a human person, and I did not see or hear anything as I walked through the area. There was no reflection when the flash went off, and I think I overlooked these for a while. 

The fence to the left is less than four feet high, and I’m guessing this being may be about three feet tall. The face looks distorted yet very cartoonish and creepy. It almost looks like a “grinning man” but the face is so distorted it’s hard to tell. I recall descriptions of DMT entities, “cartoonish rubbery clowns and machine elves”. Is this being one of them?

I’m not sure what the attraction to the area back there would be, other than there are electrical utility cables running across the back. Perhaps they can draw energy from them, that might explain the high level of activity so far from the actual portal. 

Four months later, I photographed a similar humanoid in the same area but from the other side of the wire fence. It seemed like a busy night, many anomalous lights were in the area that are often associated with unseen beings. There was no obvious source for these lights, it looked dark out with no light on at the neighbor’s house. I have no explanation for the glowing white cylinder on the other side of the tree near the being. This one appears to be less than three feet tall and wearing a pointed hat. Like the other hooded humanoid, I didn’t see or hear it at all.