They Are Humanoids

When I first became puzzled by the odd orange triangles in my pictures, I would have never imagined they were some type of humanoid beings. I had hardwired myself to stand on common sense so I didn’t get unnecessarily spooked when I was out all hours of the night taking pictures. Now I realize it kept me from perceiving what was really there. After I failed to find the orange triangle and stop it from messing up my pictures, I just tried to forget about it and focused on paranormal activity that seemed more obvious. I had been busy and didn’t really look through a lot of pictures I had been taking, other than looking for specific anomalies like beams and light rods. I have to admit, after a while I intentionally overlooked these because I didn’t think they were anything but an annoying reflection. One day I was examining past pictures and going through folders from this particular month. We were having a fence installed around the property and the posts had been put in the ground to settle. 

One picture caught my attention and I realized the triangle was next to the post. I looked closer and saw that it was actually some kind of being – something. This was a very shocking game changer for me. The ingenuousness I had felt in my paranormal Disneyland was suddenly shattered. The small beings never felt threatening, but this was nearly my own size and very creepy. I had previously assumed the hooded beings were incorporeal, non-physical entities and they didn’t really frighten me, but this was clearly a physical being interacting with physical objects.

I don’t know how long I’ve stared at these pictures. This humanoid being is actually leaning against the post and there is a smaller green being next to it. It’s as if they’re going about their business without worrying about me or anyone else seeing them. They were invisible to the eye, I was walking around among many of them and had no idea they were there. I would guess the being on the left is maybe four to five feet tall, and the green one on the right is maybe  around three feet in height. The green being was gone in the next shot, I may have startled it when I was walking around taking pictures.