It Started With Orbs
I’ve been involved in paranormal research and investigation since the early eighties. There was a cool spookiness at this place and it intrigued me. I was very comfortable with the paranormal activity I witnessed and had no fear of it at all. Little did I know at the time, I stumbled upon something that was far stranger than anything I had encountered in the past, and I was about to embark on an unimaginable adventure that I am still trying to understand.
I just bought my digital camera and was outside taking pictures on a really nice day when orbs showed up in two consecutive shots. At first, I didn’t believe the orbs were anything paranormal and I thought I had a bum camera. I went out in all kinds of weather conditions and took pictures just to see if orbs would show up, but they rarely did when I was trying. I never put much stock in orbs and I still don’t, since they are often dust, pollen or moisture in the air. But they were just the beginning. Sometimes it looked like the orbs were hanging around observing.
I bought a better, higher resolution camera to see how these anomalies would appear in an attempt to disprove anything paranormal. The opposite occurred and I got even better pictures. All of the orb photos on this page were taken with a Toshiba PDR-M81, and in my opinion are among my best.
Sometimes there would be different color orbs. I often wondered if the different colored orbs were related to different types of beings. After I bought the new camera, the orbs looked even more like something paranormal than a natural anomaly. I found this green orb to be fascinating for a couple of reasons. A friend was outside and came in to tell me to get out there with my camera, there were “green lights flying around”. This green orb appears to be behind the pole and is the exact shade of green lights described by my friend. It’s an odd shade, and not the same shade of green in the light rods.
This one of my favorite orb photos. Good detail of the orb itself is visible as well as an ectoplasmic trail. This is one of the most convincing orb photographs I have taken and I am not easily impressed by orbs.
Here is an excellent picture of an orb leaving an ectoplasmic trail. When the flash went off I saw it with my eyes and I was able to follow it with my camera. It looked very much like a traditional “ghost”. My fascination with these orbs kept me going out and taking pictures and soon things would get even more interesting.