Light Beams With Orbs
These appear to be some type of light beam with orbs in motion, but are the orbs “in motion”? It is intriguing how the orbs seem to maintain the same distance apart so often. Maybe it’s actually one “object” that is hoovering and not beams constantly shooting out of the portal like others I’ve seen and photographed. That movement would be somewhat consistent with the light rods and an up and down motion. But they moved so quickly, even with all my pictures it’s hard to tell.
Witnessing the events and taking all these photographs was among my most intriguing experiences, second only to actually recording the portal opening and the activity here and in the other realm. Being able to see these moving in front of me as the flash went off was amazing. I still had no idea there were humanoids my size walking among me and the small beings I had become aware of fascinated me, as they seemed to be from the realm of faerie. This was my paranormal Disneyland.
Why are some of these orbs green?